Tuesday, May 27, 2008

You too

Yeah? Well, you know what? I'm gonna keep putting my Horoscopes up when I want to, so fuck you! (The really funny thing about that is I'm talking to myself.) It blows me away. I don't know what blows me away more: that I read and somewhat believe my horoscope for the first time or that I allow myself to read and somewhat believe my horoscope for the first time.

October 23 - November 21
You may be experiencing a transformation in your thinking, which is bound to affect pretty much every aspect of your life, dear Scorpio. By always questioning and processing, you are working through difficult issues that require constant reshuffling of viewpoints. Feel free to open yourself up to new ways of thinking while dismissing the old ways that no longer serve you. Now is a terrific time to consider a fresh wave of thought. You will find that you become exposed to a whole new way of truth.