Saturday, May 3, 2008


This is a copy of an email that I just wrote to a girl that I went to high school with, Nicole. I don't know if I will send it to her or not - I barely knew the girl and I gave her my life story! Either way, I thought I would put a copy here so that you can see that my life hasn't only been about whining and complaining (although it would be hard to tell if you read the rest of my posts!)


Hi Nicole!

I was just picking through my messages - sorry, I thought I replied to your last message as soon as I got it. I guess it goes to show that I am losing my mind, just as I suspected!

The Duran Duran concert was last week. It was okay, not as good as last time. My friend and I saw them about 4 years ago and we were acting like a couple of 13 year olds! So much fun. For this tour, however, I think someone thought it would be a great idea to charge a right arm to get in the door and no one showed up. [They were charging $115 a ticket and some poor scalper sold a ticket in the 7th row for a measly $10 the night of the concert!!] Sometimes just realizing the dream is enough; maybe I shouldn't have tried to go back to sleep and have the same dream again!!

How are you doing? I am so fantastic - I think I might be having a mid-life crisis early or something! I have been living here in Langley, BC for twelve years now! Wow, so long! I am about 45 minutes outside of Vancouver so I get the beauty of the mountains from my patio without all the traffic and I get to take in all of the perks that living in Vancouver provides. I met a guy shortly after I moved here and we lived together for 5 years but I left him and bought myself a condo for a 30th birthday gift when I realized that I hadn't done half of the stuff that I had planned to do before I was 30 and it was time to get it done!

What a time I have been having, Nicole! I have been to a billion concerts and shows and movie festivals, I went bungee jumping a couple of years ago, I took a ride in a hot air balloon, I have screamed from every roller coaster that I could find, I took horseback riding lessons (after I was thrown from a skittish horse a year before!), guitar lessons, I learned to swim and went wake-boarding, I flew a float plane, cross-country skied, the list can go on and on. (Wow, I've never laid it all out like that before - what a life!) To fund all of this fun, I had a bookkeeping company for a few years and eventually went to work full time for one of my customers and ended up managing his company (to the tune of about 70 hours of work a week!) after sales increased over 200% in a year - oh, the power of infomercials!

Tom (and his ex-girlfriend who has been my single - bff - in - crime!) moved here from Calgary about 8 years ago and my younger sister, Debra, is a pharmacist on Vancouver Island (about 3 hours away) so it has been nice having family close by. And, for the gravy, Tom is an aircraft mechanic for Westjet so Mom and Dad get to travel for next to nothing. Mom is here on her third visit in less than a year! She and Cathy are staying at Debra and her boyfriend's in Victoria for a couple of days so I have the weekend to myself.

Needless to say, I have sucked the life out of this single life that turned into a work-a-holic life. I fell head over heals for an old boyfriend in 2006 and we lived together for about a year - now that's a story I will have to tell you sometime! When I ran away like a coward last summer and moved back into my condo, I took a good look at my life and decided that it was time for a change. I quit my job and here I am! Bored - and having so much fun! I have no idea what I am going to do with the rest of my life but I'm looking at everything that I can think of. Mom says that I should do something that I have a real knack for - like talking (obviously I am a long winded storyteller... you are living it right now!!). I am going to take the summer off and spend my summer gardening and mowing lawns for some local seniors who are unable to do it themselves. I am also going to Newfoundland for my dad's 65th birthday party and my nephew will be coming to stay with me for a few weeks - Cathy has two boys, 16 and 18 and it's the younger nephew that is coming. I also want to conquer roller blading but I'm not sure how much my butt will put up with! Hopefully at some point I will figure out what I want to do when I grow up, fall in love and start a family. I have no idea what life has in store for me next but I'm pretty excited to find out!

Sorry, I tend to go on and on. Apparently, finding myself translates into talking endlessly and it was your turn to be pummeled with it!! Haha! So, what about you? Don't worry - I don't expect you to write a book like I did (although I would love to read it)! You have a family and that takes a lot of time. Your little boy is such a little doll! (Oh, I also just found out that I have one of those biological clock thingys that everyone has been telling me about since I was 18... and alarms are going off all over the place!!)

Hope you have a great weekend, Nicole! It's good to be in touch!
