Sunday, January 1, 2006

I get frustrated quite often when I want to write in here. Or write in general, I guess. It's sometimes difficult to express what is going on in my brain. It's sometimes random and scattered.

As we all know, I have been quite conscious of my moods over the last few years. I watch for the changes and cycles, I-don't-want-to's and tears. I'm pretty much in control of my brain now but I still have times when I revert. Usually not in a large way or for long but backward movement, nonetheless. I can directly relate it to lack of exercise, rest and healthy eating though, so I guess that's where the feeling of control comes from. The past couple of days I have been suffering from the blahs. Just spending lots of time alone, not quite as quick to laugh and tears come more frequently. I think the booze and weird sleep schedule also has an impact.

My mother seems to be getting somewhat p.o.'ed at me and I am certainly easily irritated by her. Mostly due to the abuse that she takes from that asshole, Calvin. I could punch him in the mouth every time I hear him speak, I swear. And she just takes it. But he kissed her goodbye so that means he can be controlling and obnoxious. Pardon me while I walk away - quickly.

God, I hate these days when I revert and just can't stop crying. I hate the feeling of loneliness that overwhelms me. The desire for someone to come and just put their arms around me, take care of me, love me. And I think a small part of me revels in it - the familiar, the known. I lived this way for much longer than the new girl. But there is no comfort, no hugging. Still and always only this grief that I cannot explain, tears for which there is no reason. And a loneliness that feels as if it will last forever.

At least now I know better than to think it's because I haven't heard from Fabian or because I have lost my mother - maybe a mother that only existed in my fantasies, anyway. Ha! The same could be said about Fabe, too, though. Now I just let it come and swallow me, chew me up and spit me out - then I go about my business. The end is so much easier than the beginning but recognizing it's new swiftness is the easiest of all. Hang on, hang on.