Sunday, January 15, 2006

I wrote this last night before I went to sleep. I thought that I would re-read it today and then email it to him. I went to sleep knowing that I would send it. And he would reply. And we would live happily ever after. And my first thought when I woke up this morning? NO WAY! I'm not sending that! But here it is, for what it's worth.

"Sad, huh? Practically begging for a snippet of attention, believing that you will indeed call when you say you will or help me with my computer or whatever excuse that I come up with to see you. When I ran into you at the theatre the other day, all I could think about was climbing in your window and ripping your clothes off. Apparently, you didn't have a similar reaction.
I know that I am probably a fool for holding on so long, for thinking that we have something special between us. I know that you don't trust in the changes in me and that you have no reason to. But I also know that, as much as a part of me feels that I should move on and leave you alone, a bigger part tells me to stay. I care for you and I want you in my life. I'm not running, I'm not hot and cold, I'm not confused. And, while I realize that I'm probably kidding myself, I'm going to stick it out for a little while longer."