Saturday, January 7, 2006

Holy shit! The year's half over! Any-hoo...

So, here's an interesting development - yes, I am going to talk about Fabian so back off!! :)

Somewhere someday something went click. (I know, stop with all the specific details already!) Seriously, though, I don't remember what was going on only that I was watching TV or something and all of a sudden I thought "why is he so mean to me?" which was shortly followed by "and why do I let him?" And everything inside me just went ahhhhh and relaxed like a breath of fresh air. Here I am , relieved. And the funny part is I'm not pissy, I'm not excited, I'm not frustrated, there are no extreme emotions at all. I still love him, I still want him, I'm just not going to do anything and everything within my power to get him back. Normally, that's exactly what I'd be thinking, which would be followed by severe hurt and anger when I would push all thoughts of him away. Then I would inevitably get an email or call from him and start the cycle again. This time seems different (so far, anyway) and it's really hard to explain why. So, we'll see. When I get home I will call him to let him know that he can pick up his chips and stuff - no delivery or mail options. He can pick it up if he wants for not and we'll go from there. One way or your mother. Click!