Thursday, January 5, 2006

Here I am - somewhere over Canada - slightly bored although I have tons that I can do. Sleep would be nice. Mmmm! I got unbelievably, disgustingly drunk Friday night. You may have noticed - if you can decipher my last entry. Apparently 1.5L of wine, then beer, then Screech is not a good idea. Go figure! Mom so pissed me off! I got really mad. Fuck! Pick, pick, pick, pick. Am I 12? If I get foolish and have some fun why does she do those damn looks and tsk, tsk's? Of course, the fact that I let it bother me is part of the problem. What else is new? I really stayed away from her this trip. No late night drunken talks. When she was drinking, I was elsewhere. Where did this woe is me personality come from? "If I don't do the dishes, no one else will." "Notice how I always do the trips to the airport?" God, I would have rathered walk when she starts saying stuff like that. How to reply to that kind of stuff? Yes, you are right. You are amazing, a saint, a martyr. And she does do a lot and she is amazing and I totally believe in tooting your own horn but come one already! Exorcise the Verlie!!!
