Sunday, January 22, 2006

I finally started exercising again. I was bored and cranky-ish yesterday afternoon and decided to heed my "what will make me feel better" list and hopped on my stationary bike. Feels good. I've really been struggling with the moods for the past few months. Not really lows - except a bit in Newfoundland - but definite swings. Kind of not wanting to work, sleeping lots, not wanting to eat, having trouble concentrating. Moving should make it a bit better, although my tennis butt is painful at times (need to see hot Doctor Dave!).

My eating is really weird, too. I don't feel like eating. Seriously, I could care less. Just don't want anything. Then I pig out - probably from habit or boredom than from hunger. Like today. I was getting ready for work and did 30 minutes on the bike so I had a banana. Got a bagel at Tims on the way to work because I wasn't hungry but had to have something. Had a powerbar at noon. Found a Nutrigrain bar shortly after that so I ate it. Came home to have lunch and put a Lean Cusine in the microwave, was revolted before even taking a bite so I threw it out and had some chips. Fell asleep on the couch for half an hour. Ordered from Boston Pizza and had 2 sour keys, 5 hot wings and a small pizza. I'm totally stuffed and didn't want to eat to begin with. Now I'm trying to talk myself into a Blizzard. Control, Bevie. I need to start tracking calories again.