Saturday, January 14, 2006

I need a leash. I need to restrained. Tied up And not in a good way! ;) Remember, Beverly.... PMS. Everything is a little exaggerated right now. Every feeling is a little stronger and harder to deal with than usual.

And, anyway - get your head out you ass, already! Don't you remember? If he's not calling - not showing up when he says - avoiding you. It means he's just not that into you. Stop making excuses for him. It's your own fault. He was into you. Circumstances changed. And maybe he never was and never could be into you the way you always wanted him to be. How long will it take to accept that? He doesn't care back. And even if he does in some weird warped way at the base of his small cold heart, he'll never let it out. He'll never trust you again. Could we not let go already? Do you still enjoy this torture just a bit? How very 15 of you. Get a backbone and a new vibrator and move on. Something will happen for you someday when you are ready. For now this yo-yo is not creating any positive vibes for you.

I need this to end! How long is this going to drag out? I thought all of this was over! The giddiness and tears. Let go! Motherfuck!