Monday, September 1, 2008

The suspense is killing me

Fabe is supposed to visit tomorrow. Will he show? There is absolutely no way to be sure until he walks through the door. Of course, I brought his favorite Gross Chicken chips... oops, I mean Roast Chicken chips back with me from my trip and he said that he was online recently trying to find out if he could buy them anywhere here. His only downside of living on the other side of the country... chips. Yucky chips. I do hope to see him, though. He is one of the people in my life that I always, always enjoy talking to. Face to face visits sometimes cause a bit of discomfort (it's been two months, dude!) but he is in a committed relationship and attempts at getting it on - other than flirting, of course, cuz why even bother coming over! - are always discouraged and a total turn off. I think he was seeing her the last time we had sex (about a year ago, in between spurts with Ian) but I buried my head in the sand, claimed complete ignorance and that gets me off the hook. Now it would just be wrong.

Looks like that weird little torch that I have carried since the day I met him will never extinguish. I don't want it to. I put him on my 'maybe someday' list and carry on with my day.