Friday, April 18, 2008

But then he called...

6:11pm the phone says. I think we hung up somewhere around 7:35pm. We laughed and we chatted and it was so good... he's so funny... I don't think many people get his humor but I do (most of the time). I had just finished writing the email that is my last post and he called as I was ready to push send - weird timing.

Heart swelled a teeny weeny bit. He asked me to come over, I said nope. Another time he asked if I was going to come down and walk Daisy, I said nope. When I asked where his girlfriend was he said he was calling on the sly and not going to tell her (of course, he said it sarcastically because he knows that's one of the things that I think men do). He made a couple of comments that made wonder if he was trying to tell me that he was available (I always think that! He was just tryin' to be nice, girlfriend!) and I wondered, heart swelled a teeny weeny bit more. He then cracked open a beer and, oopsy, made a comment about how it wasn't his beer. Why for, do you ask? Because he picked it up for a family party that Lynda is having tomorrow.

And it was okay. There was a moment that I almost said "don't want to know about your girlfriend!!!!!" but I didn't and I'm glad. Because things are good between us and I probably won't hear from him for another 6 months and it will be okay. Dad was right - he used to say that I must be one of a twin, one person couldn't be that stupid (wow, he was always just kidding and I know he didn't mean it but that's kind of a mean thing to say to a kid, huh?). All of the pushing away and suppressing just made it bigger and worse. Letting it be ROCKS! Way to go Beatles... you coulda told me!

That's funny - I just noticed that his silly comment about his day in which he seems to be spending lots of time alone in my mind becomes he wants me, he changed his mind, he loves me. However, him telling me about the party becomes a slip up in his lies. That is funny... but mostly just sad, huh?

Okay, I must eat! It's after 8pm, I have been stoned since 4pm and I have not put a single morsel of food into my mouth. Growl city!