Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I was gonna put this on my profile but I'm not but I thought it was interesting

Yes, I admit it. I'm different. I spent most of my life trying to hide that until I realized that different can be a good thing!

Just in little ways. Like I reach out a helping hand, whether or not that person would do the same for me. I pick up trash that I see on the floor, even thought that's "someone else's job". I always have a spare toothbrush on hand in case a guest needs one and I bake cookies for people that I care about. I am friends with every single guy I ever dated - because their side of the story is just as valid as mine. I assume that people are acting with the best intentions until they show me otherwise (and everyone shows their true intentions eventually - good or bad).

I follow my instincts and believe that I can achieve anything that I can imagine... as long as I am willing to work for it. I have a new job that I LOVE which pays 1/3 of what I made in a job I hated (a worthy trade, I say!). I have a new lifestyle that some view as a step backward but it is actually one small part of a major jump forward. I have a life-long "to do" list that I am about half way through (wondering what I already checked off? flying a plane, bungee jumping, travelling to somewhere other than my Newfoundland home, hot-air ballooning, seeing Duran Duran in concert, taking a full year off work to do anything I wanted and absolutely nothing that I didn't feel like doing, horseback riding, ran the Vancouver Sun Run and oh so much more!)... and the list is open ended which makes every day a potential adventure!

I am happy when I am around others and I am happy when I am alone. I am who I am 100% of the time. Don't worry, I don't think that I am anywhere near perfect! I have bad days and can be a b-i-t-c-h like everyone else but I try my best to recognize it and make adjustments as required (like quiting my job when I realized that I wanted to cry every morning because I had to go to work... and the day didn't get much better from there). Who wants to be perfect? I'm totally okay with imperfections... because having them means I still have some living and learning to do.

Yes, I'm different. I am upfront and open about who I am and what I am looking for in my life and in my significant other... because that's how I'm going to get what I am looking for!