Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, my wonderful nephew, I had to send Ian a before and after picture of you - I couldn't help myself... remember his reaction to your green t-shirt? This will blow his mind!! I decided to send you a copy because I figured that it would persuade you to keep your new haircut... but once I saw the two pics together, I changed my mind.

I honestly think you look equally handsome with both haircuts; they are different but one look is no better than the other. (Why would I lie to you? If you weren't handsome, I would just say that you have a good personality!!!!!!) Look in the mirror again, mister... those eyes? Those curls? That little half smile? You are a good looking guy, Brandon... and don't ever let anyone make you believe otherwise... not even you. Especially not you (because, as far as I can see, you are the only one who doubts it).

One of life's great secrets is that, no matter what you do throughout your life, some people will love you and some people will hate you and most people will be somewhere in between - the trick is to figure out who you are and surround yourself with people who help you be that person. If who you are has long hair - grow it out; if that's the way you need it to be right now then let it be that way. And if you want to try short hair for a while, then show your handsome face and be proud. It is impossible to please everyone (especially in our family!) so just worry about pleasing you and trust that everything else will fall into place. Don't waste your life worrying about what you "should" do or what you "should" say or how you "should" look. What you "should" do is be at peace with who you are... and the length of your hair won't change that (although it does express it). Just look inside and figure out who you are right now and be that... and understand that you will grow and change and evolve when you are ready - not when everyone else is ready.

You are an amazing person, Brandon, and the people who care about you are aware of that... you don't have to prove it, you don't have to work at it, you are it! Remember to look for the good - listen to the people who care about you, listen to your friends, listen when people say good things about you... and try believing it for a change (just try... what do you have to lose?). This is trial and error time, this is when you get to try new things or go back to old things, this is when you learn about the world and figure out your place in it. This is mother-father-brother-sister grade 11, dude! Be who you are... just be who you are... that's how you will become who you want to be.

I think you are already pretty damned awesome... and you know I have good taste!!

Love you!! I miss you tons!

P.S. How do I add you to my Wii? Where do I find the number and how do I enter your number and what is your number and what the heck is taking you so long!! lol

P.P.S. And, one last point which I hope you already know but I will spell it out for you just in case - I am always, always, ALL WAYS here for you if you need to vent, if you need a shoulder, if you need an ear or some advice, anything. There is nothing - NOTHING - that you could ever say or do that will make me love you a tiny bit less. You are my people, Brandon (and it is not because we are family - that's just how we met), deep down inside we have a connection that will never weaken - no matter what!!

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