Monday, May 28, 2007

The Conversation

I had this great idea to photoshop a pic with Sheena and David Bowie to put on a t-shirt for her birthday... but that program is harsh and I couldn't figure it out so I asked for help. He says don't worry about it, I will do it for you and then he said that I should call him to discuss... I deleted the email and hotmail dropped it but this is the conversation that followed...

Me: Thanks a lot... I appreciate your help because I am really excited about this gift but it's much harder than I thought it would be! You made it look so damn easy! So, Sheena is a crazy David Bowie fan and I thought that it would be neat to put her in a pic with him and put it on a t-shirt (I already talked to the people at Dog's Ear and it's surprisingly easy... once you have the pic!). I scanned a picture of Sheena hanging on to a guy like a fool and then I went online and found a David Bowie pic that I think will fit good. I just want David's head where the other guy's head is. What do you think? Simple? Impossible? Somewhere in between??

He: I'll do your idea and try a cpl of my own,what size were you thinking?My pc is running a cleaning utility right now so I will have to wait till it is finished but I'll do it.

Me: I don't know about the size... it will be going on the front of a t-shirt... 5x7 I guess because it's in the landscape layout... the Dog's Ear chick said to just print it onto a piece of paper and they could transfer it onto the shirt... they will crop it, too, if neccessary. How are you liking your new place? All settled in yet?

He: I did a quick one for you.....a few mistakes still in it but will work on it
tomorow after work.

He: A phone call would have been easier! I am loving my own space,should have done it a long time ago.i do miss kirk,chewy and the kids but I get out to langley every week so its an adjustment.I am really liking the 10 mion walk to work....who knew? So I will are things with you? You moved? Married yet?

Me: OMG... that's awesome! It looks so good! She's gonna flip!!!
Yes, a phone call would have been easier... but I don't think Ian would appreciate walking in and hearing me giggling on the phone with you... he knows our history and he knows how I feel about you. I want to keep in touch with you but I would never want to make him doubt me. I'm glad you are liking your own place... you said you were moving to Burnaby... are you working from the depot there now? We moved in last fall... not married but I expect it will probably happen at some point. Who knows what life has in store? I could get hit by a bus tomorrow! :-)

He: Enough said!I do wish all the best for you Bev.
P.S you won't get hit by a long as you have started paying attention
to the road!....just kidding.

And that's it! Is he going to finish the pic? Was he going to do it because he thought that I would blow him off or something? And now he's not because he knows that's not going to happen? Should I call him? Do I want to call him? Do I fucking care? Arg!

EPILOGUE: I called him last night... first time we spoke in more than a year. I was weird but oddly comfortable. He said that he will finish the pic... no email yet today but I guess I should be patient.

EPI-EPILOGUE: Yep, still nothing. Whatever. I used the messed up one and got exactly the reaction that I wanted - she loved it. I sent him an email and said thanks, it was a success. This is what he sent back...

He: Your welcome Bev,and I have to say it was nice to be able to chat with you
again.Say thanks to Ian for being decent about it,its nice of him.There arent a
lot of people that I get to have a decent gab with.

And that's why I have a new he. Mofo.