Sunday, September 28, 2008


I can't sleep. It's after 6am; Stacey and I watched movies and went to bed at 10:30pm. I woke up at 2:30am and the rest, as they say...

Anyway, I'm effin' bored. I was working on my POF profile but then I kinda wondered why I was trying to force it when the words just weren't coming to me. Because I'm tired and I can't think straight, most likely. Crap.

But here's an interesting update... well, three updates, actually... what a whore! lol

Before I went to sleep on Friday night, I decided to try communication and sent messages to a couple of swimmers. First, I will tell you about Johnny because I don't think I really mentioned him yet. We chatted online last week and got totally drunk together and flirted. The conversation ended with him wondering how much it would cost to get a cab from Vancouver to Langley... and I say ended because that was when I turned off the computer. He's kinda cute, I had fun flirting with him but he is in no way my kind of guy. He sent a few messages since, basically asking why I wasn't chatting with him and the last one said "when are we going to hook up". So, I sent him a message and said "Sorry, I'm just not the kinda girl 'hooks up' anymore. I used to be so I can still talk the talk but I no longer walk the walk." *giggle* He replied with "if ever you have to have that 'itch' scratched, dont hesitate to msg me." But I scratched it myself a couple of hours ago. (instead of warm milk but it didn't work... obv!)

The second message was to Rob and basically said that he was way cuter than his profile pic and that he would probably have better luck if he changed it. (I'm so forward sometimes! I wonder if that freaks people out?) He was sweet and thanked me for my kindness. He said he hopes that I find the right guy, that I was a very nice person and great with kids and Nathan always plays with the little frog thingys that I bought him at the aquarium. I was going to reply saying that we still have to bungy jump but I decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

And then I sent a note to Dave and said that he owes me a buck fifty for the water that I had to buy at Tim Horton's while I was waiting for him to not show up and that a phone call would have been way cheaper. lol He said that he was there (I love how he said that he kept the receipt to prove it! hmmm) which is totally believable because I was five minutes late and he said he didn't think I would show anyway because I didn't call at 3pm like I was supposed to. (although I never intended to call at 3pm, I thought it was all confirmed) He asked why I didn't call him and I said that I was too busy laughing my ass off, which Stacey said he probably took as a bad thing considering the circumstances so I then send another note saying "Um... that's when you are supposed to reschedule, sir. I had fun talking to you the other night; I kinda thought you were enjoying yourself, too. Are you going to let a little misunderstanding become a roadblock?" We are still working out the where and when.

How brave am I, huh? So impressed. So cool. So me.

*** So, Dave emails and says he wants to have coffee today, I call him to ask what time, what time for what he says. He seems distracted so I asked if he wanted to call me back, yeah, I'll call you in a couple of minutes he says. The phone rings 45 minutes later - I didn't even bother to pick it up.

****** I did email Rob a nice, funny reply and said that he has to go bungy jumping and I want to see his pics.