Sunday, September 14, 2003

This is so weird, seeing Fabian again. Good weird but weird. We went to lunch today and it was so normal. I don't know how else to describe it. Even he said that Thursday night was weird, too. Two months apart but here we are. So, I did stick to my guns. He wanted to come home with me. But I said no, have to go shopping for a guitar. And I was so proud of myself. He spent lunch staring at me and telling me how good I looked. Finally I just said "I know". I can't explain it but the good stuff inside is showing outside, too. In more ways than he can see. Anyway, he said he was trying to invite himself back home with me but I remembered my promise to myself and I didn't back down. HA! Then, a couple of hours later I called him and invited him over to watch Trailer Park Boys and said if he came early I would have my way with him. And he did. And I did. And it was so good. Awesome sex - never had a problem there, did we?