Good day! I went to the Langley Players meeting tonight. Chris came with me. It was fun. I always have fun with Chris anyway, he's a funny guy. He's a Rog/Scott type person. Male me. Anyway, the meeting was good. Auditions for this show are over but I'll probably help out behind the scenes on this show and try out for a part in the next one.
I'm also thinking about guitar lessons. They are on Thursdays from 5-6. Which kind of interferes with the swimming lessons. Not interferes exactly. Swimming would be Wednesday nights from 8-9. I don't want to over book. There's another swim class on Sunday at 6:45pm. Maybe that would be better. I'm also going to a Big Sister meeting on Monday. That's kind of a long process to get accepted from what I can tell and they expect 3-5 hours per week. yeah, maybe I should do the Sunday swim. Then it will be over November 30th in time to audition for the play. And if that doesn't work out I can do skating or something. I'm also training to do the Vancouver Sun Run in April I ROCK!
And after the meeting I had an excess of energy so I pulled o my jogs and went to the gym. I did an awesome cardio workout. I must look like an idiot, smiling my ass off, singing to myself. But hey, I'm okay with that!
Anyway, I'm sure that everyone who's reading this is wondering what happened with Fabe. Well, he last emailed last night at midnight. I was in bed already, trying to not think about him (didn't work). I replied this evening at about 9pm but nothing back. Didn't really leave an opening for a reply anyway. And that's okay. The lines of communication are open. And, of course, he could be seeing someone. That's okay, too. I want him to date 20 women and realized that they just don't compare to me! Um? What happened to that self loathing girl we all know and love? God I hope she's gone!