Hmmmm. Well, he emailed back. We've actually been emailing back and forth for about 3 hours now. Just one liners. On the last one he brought up the drunken Friday night call. I told him lots of drinking. Damn that Kirk! Oh, well, my own fault. Let the booze get to me. Actually, Dave Dobbin got to me - made me think of Fabe. As if I needed help. More specifically, Dave made me horny for Fabe. Again, as if I needed help! Anyway, I thought that was that, after the mention of the call. But he emailed again. I'm not reading anything into all of this (HA!). Only, let's see. I'm totally not giving up on my 'get a life' plans. They're actually even more important now. Maybe there's a chance... someday.
Crap. I had better control this. I've finally stopped putting the extra pillow next to me. I haven't thrown up in days. I can orgasm without crying. Go slow, very very slow. He could be seeing someone for all I know. Crap.
Okay, it's all good. Just you chill, missy, just you chill. :)