Sunday, January 29, 2006

So, things are going good. God, who is this girl? I LOVE HER SO MUCH! I've seen Fabe a couple of times - two actually. Seems like so much more. I love this guy. The doubt is gone, the games are gone, the fear is gone. I'm trying to show him that I've changed and the only way I can do that is to give it time and let him get to know me again. This patience that I have is so funny, so odd, so damn nice. Today I called and asked him over for supper. It was about 4pm. He hadn't shown at 6:45ish so I ate mine. He called a while later and said he was coming over but when he learned that I had eaten he asked if it would be okay that he didn't come over. And it was, it really was. His reaction to my reaction was funny. Lots of 'are you sure it's okay?'s. I kinda wanted to go 'see? see?'.

I'm a little wary of the whole talking thing. It's just not something that I do. How much? And how much is too much? And when? It'll be hard at first but it's the only way that things can be any different long term.

I freakin' wanna marry this guy!

Ohmigod, am I all growed up or what???

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I finally started exercising again. I was bored and cranky-ish yesterday afternoon and decided to heed my "what will make me feel better" list and hopped on my stationary bike. Feels good. I've really been struggling with the moods for the past few months. Not really lows - except a bit in Newfoundland - but definite swings. Kind of not wanting to work, sleeping lots, not wanting to eat, having trouble concentrating. Moving should make it a bit better, although my tennis butt is painful at times (need to see hot Doctor Dave!).

My eating is really weird, too. I don't feel like eating. Seriously, I could care less. Just don't want anything. Then I pig out - probably from habit or boredom than from hunger. Like today. I was getting ready for work and did 30 minutes on the bike so I had a banana. Got a bagel at Tims on the way to work because I wasn't hungry but had to have something. Had a powerbar at noon. Found a Nutrigrain bar shortly after that so I ate it. Came home to have lunch and put a Lean Cusine in the microwave, was revolted before even taking a bite so I threw it out and had some chips. Fell asleep on the couch for half an hour. Ordered from Boston Pizza and had 2 sour keys, 5 hot wings and a small pizza. I'm totally stuffed and didn't want to eat to begin with. Now I'm trying to talk myself into a Blizzard. Control, Bevie. I need to start tracking calories again.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Interesting day. I had my settlement negotiation meeting for the lawsuit today. They were quite complimentary of me. They said - both sides - that it was my honesty and personality that doubled the settlement. All three lawyers said together and separately that it was odd to see. So, it turns out, that moral standards do pay. All of those people that said milk it and get all you can were wrong. Not that I needed that validation to live my life as I do but it was nice, I have to say.

So, the settlement came to $31,500. When all is said and done, I will receive about $15,000. With my wage loss and expenses topping $10.000, I am comfortable with that. I don't feel that I have scammed anyone. I would say that it won't keep me up at night but here I am. I am now more financially secure than at any other time in my life. I have a mortgage and my condo is earning equity solidly. All of my credit card debt is paid. I am taking home a comfortable pay that allows me to pay my bills and have just a touch left over at the end of the day. (of course, the outstanding tax debt story will left for another day!) So what the hell am I supposed to do with $15,000? Holy shit! My first instinct is save save save. Then I come home and think a new tv would be nice. Should I get a new computer? Or that area rug at Pier One? New speakers and thingamajigger? Upgrade my car? Is there any left? I don't want it to waste away. I think I'll take $10,000 for savings - mutual funds and GIC, half and half maybe. The rest I'll put in my savings account and spend some to fix up the pad. But I have to control the excess.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Just got off the phone with the Fabe. I'm a little weirded out. This is such a messed up feeling sometimes. It's like I don't know how to react to certain things. And then I don't know if my reactions that I do have are real or habit. Like we were talking about threesomes, which we've discussed a million times, and I really felt jealous when he mentioned that he knew someone that might be interested. And then I started thinking am I really jealous or is it just the way I always used to react? But then I was like - I don't want to play these games now so I don't know if I could do something like that and survive it. But do I tell him that? Because I don't know where he's at with all of this. Is it just sex to him or does he want to consider more? Shit. How do I do this? This is going to be a rough time in some ways, I think. But I know I need to try. For real this time. No games. And let's see.
Seriously, how did I survive before? How did I live for all of those years without this kind of happiness? I know I wasn't down every day but the happy days were usually an obsessive excitement. I don't remember being deep down happy, confident, in love with my life. Consistently. Without that question in the back of my head: what next? When's the next swing?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Well, that was a long, drawn out entry. Let's see if I can expand on it a bit...

Our Fabian came over for dinner the other night. Ohmygad! I thought I would pass out with all of those orgasms. Sweet! He didn't come though. Interesting. The real interesting part is that I don't feel bad about it. Before I would be thinking he didn't like me or didn't enjoy himself. Well, silly girl - he was there so he must like you and he was rock hard and smiling so he must have had an okay time! And now the waiting begins. Waiting to see what is the next step. Initially, I thought under no circumstance would I contact him first. He has to chase me (that's a strong word but I can't think of another) for this to work. Then I was thinking that, after all, I'm the one really trying to make amends here. I am the one trying to regain his trust. I won't become a mad woman or anything but I do feel that I will need to take a few extra steps. And most of all, the answer is time. Time to heal, time to get to know each other again, time to rebuild (or start to build for the first time) trust. I don't know where this will go but I love him. I really do. I need to learn to communicate and consider his perspective but bottom line is I love him. So I'll wait. At the same time, - Oh, I'll get into that another day...

Monday, January 16, 2006

I had sex last night. Yep! You read that right, sister. I'd really rather not disclose who it was with. Shea! Likely!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I wrote this last night before I went to sleep. I thought that I would re-read it today and then email it to him. I went to sleep knowing that I would send it. And he would reply. And we would live happily ever after. And my first thought when I woke up this morning? NO WAY! I'm not sending that! But here it is, for what it's worth.

"Sad, huh? Practically begging for a snippet of attention, believing that you will indeed call when you say you will or help me with my computer or whatever excuse that I come up with to see you. When I ran into you at the theatre the other day, all I could think about was climbing in your window and ripping your clothes off. Apparently, you didn't have a similar reaction.
I know that I am probably a fool for holding on so long, for thinking that we have something special between us. I know that you don't trust in the changes in me and that you have no reason to. But I also know that, as much as a part of me feels that I should move on and leave you alone, a bigger part tells me to stay. I care for you and I want you in my life. I'm not running, I'm not hot and cold, I'm not confused. And, while I realize that I'm probably kidding myself, I'm going to stick it out for a little while longer."

Saturday, January 14, 2006

I need a leash. I need to restrained. Tied up And not in a good way! ;) Remember, Beverly.... PMS. Everything is a little exaggerated right now. Every feeling is a little stronger and harder to deal with than usual.

And, anyway - get your head out you ass, already! Don't you remember? If he's not calling - not showing up when he says - avoiding you. It means he's just not that into you. Stop making excuses for him. It's your own fault. He was into you. Circumstances changed. And maybe he never was and never could be into you the way you always wanted him to be. How long will it take to accept that? He doesn't care back. And even if he does in some weird warped way at the base of his small cold heart, he'll never let it out. He'll never trust you again. Could we not let go already? Do you still enjoy this torture just a bit? How very 15 of you. Get a backbone and a new vibrator and move on. Something will happen for you someday when you are ready. For now this yo-yo is not creating any positive vibes for you.

I need this to end! How long is this going to drag out? I thought all of this was over! The giddiness and tears. Let go! Motherfuck!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I feel... distracted, unsettled, bored. It's been all week or so. The other day I made a list in my mind. What will make me feel better/what won't make me feel better. It went something like this:

What WON'T make me feel better
1. food
2. sex
3. cigarettes
4. pot
5. alcohol
6. Fabian
7. shopping

What WILL make me feel better
1. exercise
2. healthy diet
3. schedule

It's pretty simple, it always has been. The actions I took in the past to make me feel right did the exact opposite in the long run. The shitty part is that I feel so shitty that I keep doing the shitty stuff. Get you shitty ass to the gym, woman!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

So, funny little story... how sad is it that I get so excited over these little things but this is the fun of life, I suppose. First, the background:

I called Fabe on Monday to let him know that I was back and he could come pick up his chips, left a message. He called Tuesday night. We were on the phone for an hour and a half, shooting the shit. He ended the call saying he would call the next day and come to help with my computer. Believe it or not, shock of all shocks, he didn't call. But I said to myself (and I knew it was me because I recognized my voice), I said self, maybe something came up. Or maybe nothing came up and he just forgot. Or maybe he remembered and wanted to leave me hanging. Or maybe he was just trying to get off the phone and he never intended to come over at all. But, either way, there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it at that moment. So I read my book and had a nice evening.

Anyway, today I played hooky from work and decided to go to the movie. Guess who was sitting in his car in the parking lot? Go ahead - just guess! Nope. It was Fabe himself. Looking mighty fine, might I add. I ran over and said hi but it was raining and my movie was starting so we only spoke for a minute. He said he barely recognized me, most likely because I'm so gosh-darned hot! That is the first time I saw him since June (fuck - just realized that it's almost nine months since I had sex! What a terrible slump!)

Who knows what's going to happen? I believe in fate. I believe that if it's going to be, it will be. I believe that if it isn't going to be, it isn't supposed to be. One way or your mother, there's not much I can do at this point. He has to come to me and I don't know if he will. He has many reasons to stay away and not many to believe in the changes in me. I have trouble believing them myself and I am me!

So, we'll just let it ride. But I'd really just like to ride him! Tee hee!

Saturday, January 7, 2006

Holy shit! The year's half over! Any-hoo...

So, here's an interesting development - yes, I am going to talk about Fabian so back off!! :)

Somewhere someday something went click. (I know, stop with all the specific details already!) Seriously, though, I don't remember what was going on only that I was watching TV or something and all of a sudden I thought "why is he so mean to me?" which was shortly followed by "and why do I let him?" And everything inside me just went ahhhhh and relaxed like a breath of fresh air. Here I am , relieved. And the funny part is I'm not pissy, I'm not excited, I'm not frustrated, there are no extreme emotions at all. I still love him, I still want him, I'm just not going to do anything and everything within my power to get him back. Normally, that's exactly what I'd be thinking, which would be followed by severe hurt and anger when I would push all thoughts of him away. Then I would inevitably get an email or call from him and start the cycle again. This time seems different (so far, anyway) and it's really hard to explain why. So, we'll see. When I get home I will call him to let him know that he can pick up his chips and stuff - no delivery or mail options. He can pick it up if he wants for not and we'll go from there. One way or your mother. Click!

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Here I am - somewhere over Canada - slightly bored although I have tons that I can do. Sleep would be nice. Mmmm! I got unbelievably, disgustingly drunk Friday night. You may have noticed - if you can decipher my last entry. Apparently 1.5L of wine, then beer, then Screech is not a good idea. Go figure! Mom so pissed me off! I got really mad. Fuck! Pick, pick, pick, pick. Am I 12? If I get foolish and have some fun why does she do those damn looks and tsk, tsk's? Of course, the fact that I let it bother me is part of the problem. What else is new? I really stayed away from her this trip. No late night drunken talks. When she was drinking, I was elsewhere. Where did this woe is me personality come from? "If I don't do the dishes, no one else will." "Notice how I always do the trips to the airport?" God, I would have rathered walk when she starts saying stuff like that. How to reply to that kind of stuff? Yes, you are right. You are amazing, a saint, a martyr. And she does do a lot and she is amazing and I totally believe in tooting your own horn but come one already! Exorcise the Verlie!!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Yeah. Drunk. But fucking pissed. So pissed at Ma. Beyond. Time to go tute suite. Cuz fuck you.

Monday, January 2, 2006

I have become fascinated by this book "How to Win Friends and Influence People". It was written in the 30's and most of the stuff oddly holds true still. I guess human nature hasn't changed fundamentally. Anyway, here are the points the guy makes... I want them here for periodic review!

1. don't criticize, condemn or complain
2. give honest and sincere appreciation
3. arouse in another and eager want

1. become genuinely interested in other people
2. smile
3. remember that a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language
4. be a good listener, encourage people to talk about themselves
5. talk in terms of the other person's interests
6. make others feel important - and do it sincerely

1. the only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it
2. show respect for the other person's opinions, never say "you are wrong"
3. if you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically
4. begin in a friendly way
5. get the other person saying "yes, yes" imediately
6. let the other person do a great deal of the talking
7. let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers
8. try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view

1. begin with praise and honest appreciation
2. call attention to people's mistakes indirectly
3. talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person
4. ask questions instead of giving direct orders
5. let the other person save face
6. praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement, be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise"
7. give the other person a fine reputation to live up to
8. use encouragement, make the fault seem easy to correct
9. make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest

Sunday, January 1, 2006

I get frustrated quite often when I want to write in here. Or write in general, I guess. It's sometimes difficult to express what is going on in my brain. It's sometimes random and scattered.

As we all know, I have been quite conscious of my moods over the last few years. I watch for the changes and cycles, I-don't-want-to's and tears. I'm pretty much in control of my brain now but I still have times when I revert. Usually not in a large way or for long but backward movement, nonetheless. I can directly relate it to lack of exercise, rest and healthy eating though, so I guess that's where the feeling of control comes from. The past couple of days I have been suffering from the blahs. Just spending lots of time alone, not quite as quick to laugh and tears come more frequently. I think the booze and weird sleep schedule also has an impact.

My mother seems to be getting somewhat p.o.'ed at me and I am certainly easily irritated by her. Mostly due to the abuse that she takes from that asshole, Calvin. I could punch him in the mouth every time I hear him speak, I swear. And she just takes it. But he kissed her goodbye so that means he can be controlling and obnoxious. Pardon me while I walk away - quickly.

God, I hate these days when I revert and just can't stop crying. I hate the feeling of loneliness that overwhelms me. The desire for someone to come and just put their arms around me, take care of me, love me. And I think a small part of me revels in it - the familiar, the known. I lived this way for much longer than the new girl. But there is no comfort, no hugging. Still and always only this grief that I cannot explain, tears for which there is no reason. And a loneliness that feels as if it will last forever.

At least now I know better than to think it's because I haven't heard from Fabian or because I have lost my mother - maybe a mother that only existed in my fantasies, anyway. Ha! The same could be said about Fabe, too, though. Now I just let it come and swallow me, chew me up and spit me out - then I go about my business. The end is so much easier than the beginning but recognizing it's new swiftness is the easiest of all. Hang on, hang on.