I know that I'm some kind of nymphomaniac pervert whore but I'm so damn horny! But is it worth the trouble? I just see visions of the same old same old and I don't want that. I want to meet a nice guy and fall in love. And he'll be nice to me. And he'll buy me flowers and he'll take my hand and I'll feel comfortable and confident to take his. And he'll be adventurous and active and fun. All of the things that I once thought Fabian was. All of the things that I think he was. But I can't take the distance, the insecurities. The things that he doesn't even recognize as insecurities. Or admit to. Heck, maybe it's true what he says - that he just doesn't have that capacity. Maybe he never did. And maybe he never will. And maybe I should stop worrying about it and move on.
But I have moved on - these are just last lingering doubts, ready to be suffocated once and for all. I'm not lonely. I have more than enough to keep me occupied and happy and satisfied. It's just the sex, the touching, the heat, the excitement.
I'm probably going to attack him when he comes with his taxes. All I can hope is that he turns me down.