Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Whew! Just got back from the gym. My arms are kind of shaky! Feels good. What doesn't feel so good is the moment on the scale. 207? What the hell? I know, only up one pound. But don't go up! Go down! Go down! Could it have been the cheese and bacon burger and fries that I had for lunch? The ice cream, chips and chocolate bar that I had Sunday? The greek ribs that I had on Saturday? Or the 6 or 7 times that I ate out last week? What am I doing?? No wonder! Okay, need to work harder. Eat better. Pay attention again. I've been slacking off and it ain't doin' me no good! Okay, new rules. Eat out ONCE per week. That's it. Not go to the restaurant and have salad. Restaurant only once (maybe twice! I love to eat out!). I just need to male better decisions and be conscious of it all the time. I'm not getting into a big diet frame of mind. I just want to be healthy.